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Core Energy Diversity CoachCertification Course

iPEC’s Master’s Level Certification

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CEDC icon 1 long What does diversity mean to you?

CEDC icon 2 loongHow do you create inclusive spaces for your clients and others?

CEDC icon 3 loongHow does bias affect the way we experience the Energy Levels? 

We all carry around biases formed by past experiences that affect how we see ourselves, the world and each other. How can creating consciousness around diversity-related biases help evolve your coaching relationships and create more impact for your clients?

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Our Core Energy Diversity Coach™ (CEDC) Certification course provides established coaches with a strong energetic and cognitive foundation to expand their coaching mastery (and personal growth!) by:  

Understanding the role of personal perspective, identity, and bias within the coaching relationship
Cultivating trust and safety in your coaching practice 
Identifying core thoughts, emotions, and actions through a diversity lens 
Exploring the link between bias and Core Energy
Connecting the 7 Levels of Energy with the core concepts of diversity & inclusion 
. . . and so much more! 
CEDC Badge

Core Energy Diversity Coach™ (CEDC) Certification Course

  • Cost: $2,499
  • Trainer: Co-Creator and Founder of Vigere®, Tonya Echols
  • Course Dates: Thursdays, February 27 - May 15, 2025  |  7:00 - 9:00 PM ET
    (Note: there will be no classes on April 24 and May 1.)
Please note: you must have your CPC certification to enroll. 

Upon completion of this 10-session virtual live course, you’ll earn the Core Energy Diversity Coach™ (CEDC) certification, demonstrating your commitment to creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for all! Plus you'll earn 35 ICF-approved CCE hours (21 Core Competency hours and 14 Resource Development hours) for your ICF credential upon meeting eligibility criteria.

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Vigere and ipec
This course was co-authored by iPEC and the founder of Vigere®, Tonya Echols!

Meet Your Trainer

Tonya Echols

Chief Diversity & Inclusion Strategist, iPEC Faculty Member


Tonya Echols is a global leader and multi-award-winning international Executive Coach and Leadership and Organizational Development Consultant. She is the Founder and Managing Principal of Vigere®, a global coaching and consulting firm. 

Tonya Echols-circle

Tonya has over 30 years of experience in corporate management, digital and traditional media, technology, finance, coaching, leadership development, and diversity, equity, and inclusion. She works with numerous organizations across a variety of industries, including Fortune 500 companies. With a master's degree in Organizational Leadership from Gonzaga University and as a summa cum laude graduate of the University of Tennessee in Business Administration-Accounting, Tonya is a doctoral candidate in Leadership Psychology with emphases in Neuroscience and Inclusive Leadership from William James College. 

Tonya is an adjunct faculty member for the graduate programs at William & Mary and Harvard University Extension School, teaching leadership and organizational behavior. She is a faculty member of iPEC, a contributing member of the Forbes Coaches Council, and an Affiliate Member of the Institute of Coaching, McLean Hospital, a Harvard Medical School affiliate. She is also an executive and leadership coach for the TED Fellows Coaching and Mentoring Initiative and a member of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Her writing has also been featured in several publications, including Forbes and HuffPost. Tonya is a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) credentialed by the International Coaching Federation (ICF), of which she is an Officer and Director of the General Enterprise Board and Immediate Past Chair of the Professional Coaches Global Board. 

Tonya applies her diverse professional background to connect with her clients by drawing on her own real-world experience of successfully leading large teams and addressing a variety of management challenges. As a Certified Diversity Executive®, she helps her clients move forward to find actionable, inclusive, and human-centric solutions that allow them to accomplish their goals and become impactful, transformational leaders and organizations. 

An avid traveler, Tonya embraces the opportunity to encounter, experience, and appreciate many different people and cultures from all over the world and strongly believes that anyone can design their life as they choose and step into leadership with authenticity, confidence, and purpose. 

This course will affect real, sustainable awareness and change in your organizations, coaching sessions, and personal relationships. Class size is limited! Enroll now.

Please note: you must have your CPC certification to enroll. 

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